Just a quick snippet for sorting container and Array object.
//Method to sort container
static container sortContainer(container _con)
anytype temp1;
anytype temp2;
int i;
int j;
container sortedCon;
sortedCon = _con;
// Sort the container
for (i = 1; i <= conlen(sortedCon); i++)
for (j = i + 1; j <= conlen(sortedCon); j++)
temp1 = conpeek(sortedCon, j);
temp2 = conpeek(sortedCon, i);
if (temp1 < temp2)
sortedCon = condel(sortedCon, j, 1);
sortedCon = conins(sortedCon, j, temp2);
sortedCon = condel(sortedCon, i, 1);
sortedCon = conins(sortedCon, i, temp1);
return sortedCon;
//Method to sort Array
static Array sortArray(Array _array)
int i;
int arrayCount = _array.lastIndex();
container con, sortedCon;
//Switch from Array to container
for(i = 1; i <= arrayCount; i++)
con = conIns(con, i, _array.value(i));
//Sort the container
sortedCon = sortContainer(con);
//Switch from container to Array
for(i = 1; i <= conLen(sortedCon); i++)
_array.value(i, conPeek(sortedCon, i));
return _array;
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Thursday, 12 February 2015
Copy table buffer between two table with similar structure
Just a quick snippet for those who need it.
The standard buf2Buf() method works if the field Id is identical, but in case the field name is same but have different Id, the code snippet below does the job. It is modified from the buf2Buf() to cater to two tables with similar structure and field name but different field Id.
static void buf2BufByName(
Common _from,
Common _to
DictTable dictTableFrom = new DictTable(_from.TableId);
DictTable dictTableTo = new DictTable(_to.TableId);
DictField dictFieldFrom;
FieldId fieldIdFrom = dictTableFrom.fieldNext(0);
FieldId fieldIdTo
while (fieldIdFrom && ! isSysId(fieldIdFrom))
dictFieldFrom = new DictField(_from.TableId, fieldIdFrom);
fieldIdTo = dictTableTo.fieldName2Id(dictFieldFrom.name());
_to.(fieldIdTo) = _from.(fieldIdFrom);
fieldIdFrom = dictTableFrom.fieldNext(fieldIdFrom);
The standard buf2Buf() method works if the field Id is identical, but in case the field name is same but have different Id, the code snippet below does the job. It is modified from the buf2Buf() to cater to two tables with similar structure and field name but different field Id.
static void buf2BufByName(
Common _from,
Common _to
DictTable dictTableFrom = new DictTable(_from.TableId);
DictTable dictTableTo = new DictTable(_to.TableId);
DictField dictFieldFrom;
FieldId fieldIdFrom = dictTableFrom.fieldNext(0);
FieldId fieldIdTo
while (fieldIdFrom && ! isSysId(fieldIdFrom))
dictFieldFrom = new DictField(_from.TableId, fieldIdFrom);
fieldIdTo = dictTableTo.fieldName2Id(dictFieldFrom.name());
_to.(fieldIdTo) = _from.(fieldIdFrom);
fieldIdFrom = dictTableFrom.fieldNext(fieldIdFrom);