A short article regarding setting up an SFTP for testing.
It covers:
- Rebex Tiny SFTP Server
- Add inbound/outbound rules in Windows Firewall
- Add inbound/outbound port rules in VM Networking
- Setup Inbound NAT rules in Azure load balancer
- Configure Logic App SFTP connection
In my case, I’m using Rebex Tiny SFTP Server (Free) and running it in Azure hosted VM.
You may download it from: https://labs.rebex.net/tiny-sftp-server
It doesn’t requires installation, just download and unzip it.
You may change the username, password, and root
directory in the config file “RebexTinySftpServer.exe.config”.
Windows Firewall
Before running the application (RebexTinySftpServer.exe), we’ll need to get the ports opened.
Inbound rules for SFTP

Outbound rules for SFTP

Azure networking
Go to: Virtual machines (select the VM) > Networking
- Add
inbound port rule
- Add
outbound port rule
Load balancer
Go to: : Virtual machines (select the VM) > Overview
Click on the link under the “DNS name”, take note of the
name of the load balancer in the Configuration screen.

Go to: Load balancer (Select the load balancer as you’ve
taken note of in previous step) > Settings > Inbound NAT rules

Add the SFTP rule

Run the Rebex Tiny SFTP Server and try connect to it using
your SFTP client (Eg. FileZilla).
Confirm it is working before testing your Logic App.

You may configure Logic App SFTP connection for testing.
Below is an example of the screen creating the SFTP
connection (Replace the value in the
Connection Name, Host Server Address, and User Name as setup in your Rebex Tiny
SFTP server).

You can then test create file via the SFTP connection you’ve
just setup