Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Dynamics AX "Find" with regular expression

Quite often the "Find" feature in Dynamics AX is used to find plain text.
Eg. enter 'salesLine' in the Containing text field and click Find now.

But it can do more than that, it can match word with regular expression as well (but the search is slower).

Eg. Find in the 'SalesFormLetter' class 'run' method for any method containing 'salesFormLetter' at the front and 'Thread' at the end.
?* indicates occurrence of any characters for zero or more times

Eg. Find in the 'SalesFormLetter' class for the word '::After'

Eg. Find in the 'SalesFormLetter' class for the word 'proforma' followed by a space

Eg. Find in the 'SalesFormLetter' class for the word 'proforma' preceded by a space

Regular expression syntax in Dynamics AX: